name writing

Name Recognition and Name Writing

Children entering kindergarten really should be able to recognize their name. We emphasize this skill when the children sign in by placing their name from the out board to the in board. This skill is also emphasized by our name station. Usually, each week, one station is dedicated to the children constructing their name. One week, it may be using magnetic letters to construct their name, and the next week, the child has to find the letters of their name written on blocks and the child has to put the blocks together in the corresponding order. The purpose of the station remains the same while the activity varies. The station is designed to help the children recognize their written name and find the letters of their name, and place the letters in the correct order. Some weeks, the station will feature practice sheets for the child to practice writing his/her name.

This skill is a necessary preschool skill as children entering Kindergarten will be expected to write their names on all their worksheets and art work. At Counting Down to Kindergarten we feel the responsibility to prepare our students as much as possible for Kindergarten and this station really helps. As our students get closer to Kindergarten, I emphasize name writing practice and provide the students with practice sheets to take home. As the children master their first names, I have them participate in the same activities but using their last names.

For ideas to help your children practice name recognition, click here for ideas. For ideas to help your child to build or write their name, click here.